In the wake of their hard-fought victory, our heroes pondered the dragon eggs which surrounded them in the pit of the hatchery. Careful inspection revealed that most of the eggs had failed to thrive and sat as decaying echoes of past attempts. However, three in particular were still growing and doubtless the reason the cult had chosen to leave behind a contingent of leaders and soldiers. Rilos knew that transporting dragon eggs could pose a significant risk to the development of the young dragon within.
Shay, increasingly motivated by Lo Risten's fascination with creatures and companions, thought the righteous path would be to invest in one of these eggs with the hope of reforming the dragon inside into an eventual companion. Again Rilos' knowledge became key to the consideration as he reminded the group that the egg was a black dragon's egg. While it was theoretically possible to win the heart of black dragon spawn, Rilos would have been remiss if he hadn't reminded them of the devastation an unreformed black dragon would doubtless wreak upon all around him. He also pointed to practical concerns. Dragon eggs were large and heavy; difficult to transport. Dragon spawn were unwelcome almost everywhere because people rightly judged the risk to outweigh any potential benefit. And though Rilos' reminders of these inescapable facts were not gentle, they were accurate.
Listening to her two companions argue, Seraphina unceremoniously stabbed one of the three eggs and then, as the discussion persisted, another. Shay threw her arms around the remaining egg in a fit of desperate righteous fervor. Eventually, however, logic won the discussion and Shay reluctantly left the egg, unwilling to watch as Rilos finished it off.
The group retraced their steps and followed a narrow passage up into a new area of the cavern where they found a barracks in use by a group of kobolds. These were dispatched with ease before the party turned their attention to another area being used as a training facility for young drakes. Using the element of surprise to their advantage, our heroes destroyed the kobold and urd trainers with ease before the vile creatures even realized they were under attack. After this, Shay's impulses once again took over as she attempted to win some loyalty from the guard drakes being trained in a cage within that room. Rilos chafed with impatience at the Paladin's refusal to fully grasp his very serious warnings against association with the chromatic dragons or their offspring. While the others cut down two of the drakes in training from the safety of the cage's walled separation, Shay worked desperately to unlock the protective structure so she could save the last of them.
However, exactly as predicted, none of her efforts to display a friendly demeanor ultimately piqued any interest in the remaining drake, which took advantage of the opened cage to immediately attack Shay and her companions. Mildly concerned about upsetting her companions, Seraphina leapt into action and cut the aggressive drake down in its tracks, before any serious harm could befall Shay's best intentions.
From the awkwardness of this burgeoning disagreement, the party cleared through the rest of the cavern, stopping at the last in front of a pit of refuse with dim prospects. Using their best observations and magics, the party failed to determine whether the stinking refuse pile contained anything worthy of their attention. While most were understandably reluctant to enter the space, they did eventually search the pile to reveal a set of valuable gems mistakenly discarded within. Their efforts, however, disturbed a nest of troglodytes which attacked before the party could exit the cavern.
Having quelled all threats and confirmed some of the intentions of the cult, the adventurers returned once more to Greenest. Tross immediately delivered the Spinwright pearls back to their rightful owner, earning a much reduced cost of training under the skillful tutelage of local alchemist Merwor Ziltix. After imparting a thorough understanding of the profession, Merwor also delivered a sheaf of a lifetime's gathered notes about the creation of a rare and interesting item known as the Alchemist's Whetstone. This, he assured Tross, would the the masterwork of a truly accomplished alchemist and someone who would bring real glory to the doorstep of Ziltix's Kettle Black, which could only otherwise struggle in the wake of the cultists' thievery. Tross accepted this mission solemnly.
Governor Nighthill eventually tracked the group down shortly after Tross had finished his training. He bore an air of frustration or perhaps even indignation, saying "While you were away, that half-elf apparently found out the raiders were moving the treasure north along the trade way. He left to track them down. I'm not normally keen to be used as a courier, but he asked that I tell you to seek out Ontharr Frume in Elturel. If the caravans are following the Trade Way, I'd as soon suggest that you try to intercept them and return some of our treasures. Greenest is really suffering after their raid.
"I doubt you could catch them now, though. the monk felt that you would be fools not to follow his instructions. Apparently, there's much more at stake than merely our livelihoods." Governor Nighthill's sarcastic tone was barely restrained. "Can you believe he had the audacity to request that I send some of my own guard along with him? We showed nothing but hospitality to the half-elf, yet he attempts to commandeer my best men. And while we are only just starting to recover! I wouldn't be half as mad about it were it not for the fact that some of my men actually followed the fool! It is no wonder people are abandoning the town, but where will they go?"
The governor turned to leave and then turned back as if suddenly remembering something, "Oh, Leosin also left something for you. He said that he can't be sure, but he thinks you're part of 'something greater' and, if so, you'd recognize the urgency of his call by this."
Nighthill then produced a crude but unmistakable drawing of the Harper symbol.
Shay, increasingly motivated by Lo Risten's fascination with creatures and companions, thought the righteous path would be to invest in one of these eggs with the hope of reforming the dragon inside into an eventual companion. Again Rilos' knowledge became key to the consideration as he reminded the group that the egg was a black dragon's egg. While it was theoretically possible to win the heart of black dragon spawn, Rilos would have been remiss if he hadn't reminded them of the devastation an unreformed black dragon would doubtless wreak upon all around him. He also pointed to practical concerns. Dragon eggs were large and heavy; difficult to transport. Dragon spawn were unwelcome almost everywhere because people rightly judged the risk to outweigh any potential benefit. And though Rilos' reminders of these inescapable facts were not gentle, they were accurate.
Listening to her two companions argue, Seraphina unceremoniously stabbed one of the three eggs and then, as the discussion persisted, another. Shay threw her arms around the remaining egg in a fit of desperate righteous fervor. Eventually, however, logic won the discussion and Shay reluctantly left the egg, unwilling to watch as Rilos finished it off.
The group retraced their steps and followed a narrow passage up into a new area of the cavern where they found a barracks in use by a group of kobolds. These were dispatched with ease before the party turned their attention to another area being used as a training facility for young drakes. Using the element of surprise to their advantage, our heroes destroyed the kobold and urd trainers with ease before the vile creatures even realized they were under attack. After this, Shay's impulses once again took over as she attempted to win some loyalty from the guard drakes being trained in a cage within that room. Rilos chafed with impatience at the Paladin's refusal to fully grasp his very serious warnings against association with the chromatic dragons or their offspring. While the others cut down two of the drakes in training from the safety of the cage's walled separation, Shay worked desperately to unlock the protective structure so she could save the last of them.
However, exactly as predicted, none of her efforts to display a friendly demeanor ultimately piqued any interest in the remaining drake, which took advantage of the opened cage to immediately attack Shay and her companions. Mildly concerned about upsetting her companions, Seraphina leapt into action and cut the aggressive drake down in its tracks, before any serious harm could befall Shay's best intentions.
From the awkwardness of this burgeoning disagreement, the party cleared through the rest of the cavern, stopping at the last in front of a pit of refuse with dim prospects. Using their best observations and magics, the party failed to determine whether the stinking refuse pile contained anything worthy of their attention. While most were understandably reluctant to enter the space, they did eventually search the pile to reveal a set of valuable gems mistakenly discarded within. Their efforts, however, disturbed a nest of troglodytes which attacked before the party could exit the cavern.
Having quelled all threats and confirmed some of the intentions of the cult, the adventurers returned once more to Greenest. Tross immediately delivered the Spinwright pearls back to their rightful owner, earning a much reduced cost of training under the skillful tutelage of local alchemist Merwor Ziltix. After imparting a thorough understanding of the profession, Merwor also delivered a sheaf of a lifetime's gathered notes about the creation of a rare and interesting item known as the Alchemist's Whetstone. This, he assured Tross, would the the masterwork of a truly accomplished alchemist and someone who would bring real glory to the doorstep of Ziltix's Kettle Black, which could only otherwise struggle in the wake of the cultists' thievery. Tross accepted this mission solemnly.
Governor Nighthill eventually tracked the group down shortly after Tross had finished his training. He bore an air of frustration or perhaps even indignation, saying "While you were away, that half-elf apparently found out the raiders were moving the treasure north along the trade way. He left to track them down. I'm not normally keen to be used as a courier, but he asked that I tell you to seek out Ontharr Frume in Elturel. If the caravans are following the Trade Way, I'd as soon suggest that you try to intercept them and return some of our treasures. Greenest is really suffering after their raid.
"I doubt you could catch them now, though. the monk felt that you would be fools not to follow his instructions. Apparently, there's much more at stake than merely our livelihoods." Governor Nighthill's sarcastic tone was barely restrained. "Can you believe he had the audacity to request that I send some of my own guard along with him? We showed nothing but hospitality to the half-elf, yet he attempts to commandeer my best men. And while we are only just starting to recover! I wouldn't be half as mad about it were it not for the fact that some of my men actually followed the fool! It is no wonder people are abandoning the town, but where will they go?"
The governor turned to leave and then turned back as if suddenly remembering something, "Oh, Leosin also left something for you. He said that he can't be sure, but he thinks you're part of 'something greater' and, if so, you'd recognize the urgency of his call by this."
Nighthill then produced a crude but unmistakable drawing of the Harper symbol.