The information commissioned by Sildar was delivered immediately, though the noble warrior found Iarno’s betrayal difficult to believe. Fortunately, our heroes brought along the same proof which had led them to this conclusion and Sildar could not deny it. Sorrowful, enraged and confused, Sildar’s mission was complete. He rewarded the mercenaries handsomely, and undertook the next mission given to him by the Lords’ Alliance: to provide a constabulary for Phandalin’s growth.
Having been attacked only a day before at what Seraphina described as a known Redbrand gathering spot, the party decided their next stop would be to rout the remaining Redbrand presence in the town by approaching the Sleeping Giant taphouse directly. The Redbrands were a group full of bluster and rage. These were miners and farmers who couldn’t make it, mixed with street urchins who never wanted to try. To their minds the world owed them something, and the small taste of power Iarno had provided was something they were loathe to relinquish - to their own demise.
Acting on the last official directives given by their now-absent leader, the Redbrands did not hesitate to attack the adventurers who interrupted their revelry with inconvenient questions. The proprietor of the establishment, a stout hill dwarf named Grista, eagerly joined in the melee under the guise of protecting her property. Not knowing when to give up proved a lethal error for the Redbrands as our heroes slaughtered all who stepped up to the fight. Only the very drunk or cowardly remained - a scant smattering of what had been before. When questioned, these renounced their status as part of that infamous gang and Vilkas obliged them by tearing the dirty red cloaks from their backs.
Satisfied that they had done for Nilsa as she asked, the group returned to the townsfolk who had commissioned requests for them - notably the banshee parlay proposed by Sister Garaele and the Orc intrusion of concern to Harbin Wester. In the midst of making plans to assail these needs, Sildar also provided the location of Cragmaw Castle, whereupon our adventurers set out immediately to the rescue of Gundren Rockseeker.
Cragmaw Castle was located to the north and east of Phandalin, so the party soon found themselves out on the Triboar Trail. The travels were easy going until the road descended toward Neverwinter Woods through a darkened valley. A glowing, blue-white, disembodied hand appeared before Avina and signaled for her to stop, which she did abruptly from both shock and awe. As the rest of the party paused, the illusory hand began to signal toward a side path which skirted the edge of the valley briefly and then rejoined the main road on the other side. This warning was accompanied by the distant growls of beasts echoing from around the bend in the road ahead. This sounded like danger, and Avina knew the symbols of her god, Marthammor Duin. She felt this was a clear signal for the party to change course in order to avoid the dangers ahead.
Believing the warnings of danger, the party hurried to the side path. As they skirted the darkened valley they suddenly found themselves traversing a plain of blank silvery white, with no defining features at all. This disorientation soon faded and the adventurers found themselves standing on a broad oaken floor. Before them was a wide, lavish carpet with a few ornate tables, two couches and three chairs. A massive fireplace crackled merrily and tapestries adorned the walls which now impeded their progress. They turned to look behind and saw clearly the narrow path they had just taken and beyond that an enormous black dragon rising from the valley they avoided.
On a wide, throne-like chair near the fireplace was seated a slender, raven-haired dwarf adorned with plain leather clothes and draped in fine furs. A long, whittled walking stick leaned against the side of the chair and Avina was noticeably shaken. Her face, however, glowed with joy.
“Welcome, friends,” came the congenial greeting of Marthammor Duin.
Like all gods, Marthammor answered the party’s many inquiries with a cryptic amusement. The most the party could glean was a sense of importance surrounding the future of Phandalin mixed with a gentle appreciation for Avina’s faithful service. The god was less intent on conversation than with presenting to them the fabled Deck of Many Destinies, which he indicated would move them more swiftly toward shared goals. To demonstrate his point, Marthammor drew one card for each adventurer in turn (save for Vilkas who, for reasons unknown, was given nothing).
The Sun was drawn to Lo Risten, who immediately found in her hands a small alabaster statue of a puppy.
The Star was drawn to Seraphina, who suddenly became more dexterous.
The Knight was drawn to Avina, who straightaway met a knight she somehow already knew, named Holly Daemire Bieche.
To Count Alistair Hawklight was drawn the Rogue and consequently the Phandalin townmaster and key to Alistair’s continued growth as Phandalin’s noble savior, Harbin Wester, became his mortal enemy.
Satisfied, Marthammor shuffled the cards and offered the deck to Vilkas, instructing that he may declare as many as three cards to draw, but that he must draw all three in turn, regardless of their effects. Sensing grand opportunity and access to hidden knowledge, Vilkas declared he would take all three cards, drawing Vizier to give him an answer and the wisdom to understand it, then Key which manifested upon him as the Elven Chain, and finally Ruin which removed all of his wealth.
Next, the deck was offered to Lo Risten. Her brazen confidence led her to also choose three cards. She first drew Idiot and became somewhat less intelligent. She then drew The Void, becoming cursed with insanity. At the last, she drew Moon and immediately wished that instead of Idiot she would have drawn the Sun whereupon she found on her feet the Boots of Parkour Steadiness. She wished again that she had drawn Key instead of The Void and found in her hands the legendary Oathbow. Triumphant, she chose to retain one wish of the Moon for future use.

Onward, the deck was given to Seraphina who also requested three cards. First came Talons to claw all of her magic items away. Alas, the thief had no such possessions and the card passed without insult. Second, she drew Key and found her hand grasping the hilt of a Vorpal Shortsword. Her third draw yielded Comet which filled her with potential.
To Avina went the deck and she, too, chose to draw three cards. First she drew Skull and was compelled to duel the Avatar of Death. Second came Balance which turned the Cleric to evil. Third she received Throne which made her the sole owner of Tresendar Manor but filled with monsters and fiends desperate to battle her for the right.
Finally, the deck was offered to Count Alistair who, undaunted, chose to draw three cards. First he drew Key found himself wearing Green Dragonscale Armor. Second, he drew Gem and at his feet appeared a pile of gems worthy of his nobility. For his third draw, The Fates, giving him power over the very fabric of reality to undo a single action he may regret taking.
Upon receipt of the final card, Marthammor withdrew and our heroes found themselves standing once more upon the Triboar Trail.
Having been attacked only a day before at what Seraphina described as a known Redbrand gathering spot, the party decided their next stop would be to rout the remaining Redbrand presence in the town by approaching the Sleeping Giant taphouse directly. The Redbrands were a group full of bluster and rage. These were miners and farmers who couldn’t make it, mixed with street urchins who never wanted to try. To their minds the world owed them something, and the small taste of power Iarno had provided was something they were loathe to relinquish - to their own demise.
Acting on the last official directives given by their now-absent leader, the Redbrands did not hesitate to attack the adventurers who interrupted their revelry with inconvenient questions. The proprietor of the establishment, a stout hill dwarf named Grista, eagerly joined in the melee under the guise of protecting her property. Not knowing when to give up proved a lethal error for the Redbrands as our heroes slaughtered all who stepped up to the fight. Only the very drunk or cowardly remained - a scant smattering of what had been before. When questioned, these renounced their status as part of that infamous gang and Vilkas obliged them by tearing the dirty red cloaks from their backs.
Satisfied that they had done for Nilsa as she asked, the group returned to the townsfolk who had commissioned requests for them - notably the banshee parlay proposed by Sister Garaele and the Orc intrusion of concern to Harbin Wester. In the midst of making plans to assail these needs, Sildar also provided the location of Cragmaw Castle, whereupon our adventurers set out immediately to the rescue of Gundren Rockseeker.
Cragmaw Castle was located to the north and east of Phandalin, so the party soon found themselves out on the Triboar Trail. The travels were easy going until the road descended toward Neverwinter Woods through a darkened valley. A glowing, blue-white, disembodied hand appeared before Avina and signaled for her to stop, which she did abruptly from both shock and awe. As the rest of the party paused, the illusory hand began to signal toward a side path which skirted the edge of the valley briefly and then rejoined the main road on the other side. This warning was accompanied by the distant growls of beasts echoing from around the bend in the road ahead. This sounded like danger, and Avina knew the symbols of her god, Marthammor Duin. She felt this was a clear signal for the party to change course in order to avoid the dangers ahead.
Believing the warnings of danger, the party hurried to the side path. As they skirted the darkened valley they suddenly found themselves traversing a plain of blank silvery white, with no defining features at all. This disorientation soon faded and the adventurers found themselves standing on a broad oaken floor. Before them was a wide, lavish carpet with a few ornate tables, two couches and three chairs. A massive fireplace crackled merrily and tapestries adorned the walls which now impeded their progress. They turned to look behind and saw clearly the narrow path they had just taken and beyond that an enormous black dragon rising from the valley they avoided.
On a wide, throne-like chair near the fireplace was seated a slender, raven-haired dwarf adorned with plain leather clothes and draped in fine furs. A long, whittled walking stick leaned against the side of the chair and Avina was noticeably shaken. Her face, however, glowed with joy.
“Welcome, friends,” came the congenial greeting of Marthammor Duin.
Like all gods, Marthammor answered the party’s many inquiries with a cryptic amusement. The most the party could glean was a sense of importance surrounding the future of Phandalin mixed with a gentle appreciation for Avina’s faithful service. The god was less intent on conversation than with presenting to them the fabled Deck of Many Destinies, which he indicated would move them more swiftly toward shared goals. To demonstrate his point, Marthammor drew one card for each adventurer in turn (save for Vilkas who, for reasons unknown, was given nothing).
The Sun was drawn to Lo Risten, who immediately found in her hands a small alabaster statue of a puppy.
The Star was drawn to Seraphina, who suddenly became more dexterous.
The Knight was drawn to Avina, who straightaway met a knight she somehow already knew, named Holly Daemire Bieche.
To Count Alistair Hawklight was drawn the Rogue and consequently the Phandalin townmaster and key to Alistair’s continued growth as Phandalin’s noble savior, Harbin Wester, became his mortal enemy.
Satisfied, Marthammor shuffled the cards and offered the deck to Vilkas, instructing that he may declare as many as three cards to draw, but that he must draw all three in turn, regardless of their effects. Sensing grand opportunity and access to hidden knowledge, Vilkas declared he would take all three cards, drawing Vizier to give him an answer and the wisdom to understand it, then Key which manifested upon him as the Elven Chain, and finally Ruin which removed all of his wealth.
Next, the deck was offered to Lo Risten. Her brazen confidence led her to also choose three cards. She first drew Idiot and became somewhat less intelligent. She then drew The Void, becoming cursed with insanity. At the last, she drew Moon and immediately wished that instead of Idiot she would have drawn the Sun whereupon she found on her feet the Boots of Parkour Steadiness. She wished again that she had drawn Key instead of The Void and found in her hands the legendary Oathbow. Triumphant, she chose to retain one wish of the Moon for future use.

Onward, the deck was given to Seraphina who also requested three cards. First came Talons to claw all of her magic items away. Alas, the thief had no such possessions and the card passed without insult. Second, she drew Key and found her hand grasping the hilt of a Vorpal Shortsword. Her third draw yielded Comet which filled her with potential.
To Avina went the deck and she, too, chose to draw three cards. First she drew Skull and was compelled to duel the Avatar of Death. Second came Balance which turned the Cleric to evil. Third she received Throne which made her the sole owner of Tresendar Manor but filled with monsters and fiends desperate to battle her for the right.
Finally, the deck was offered to Count Alistair who, undaunted, chose to draw three cards. First he drew Key found himself wearing Green Dragonscale Armor. Second, he drew Gem and at his feet appeared a pile of gems worthy of his nobility. For his third draw, The Fates, giving him power over the very fabric of reality to undo a single action he may regret taking.
Upon receipt of the final card, Marthammor withdrew and our heroes found themselves standing once more upon the Triboar Trail.